
PRE-Contract Agreement


What is pre contract agreement?

Situation wherein two or more parties decide to work together in legal manner and to make sure that contracting parties may not differ or disagree later after the execution of contract. The pre-contract agreement plays a role between the contracting parties to make them understand the interaction, opportunity, and the intent of deal at an earlier stage before entering any contract.

Why pre contract agreement is important?

Before entering any contract, it is important to know the intent, scope and the nature of work and relationship between the parties at an early stage. This agreement outlines the framework of the relationship between the parties and clarifies their intention before entering a contract.
Thus, it creates the general understanding of what each party ‘gets’ out of the relationship. NA Lawyers Firm works in a highly proficient manner to draft the pre-contract agreements and secure the interest of our clients. Thus, for better understanding the inclusions of pre-contract agreement are mentioned herein under:
The above-mentioned points are inclusion of pre-contract agreement. Therefore, the object of pre-contract agreement is to clear all the doubts of the parties entering a contract. NA Lawyers Firm is always committed to provide best advice and results to our clients. Therefore, in case if you need any suggestion or help in relation the matters related to drafting of pre contract agreement you can contact us freely. Our team is fully committed to perform their duty and in delivering out the positive results.