Insurance Disputes

What are the reasons for Insurance Disputes?
Numerous insurance disputes arise in day-to-day life. Hence, everyone is concerned with insurance matters one way or another for example, nowadays, people have health insurance and car insurance, therefore, in case you met with an accident, you will need insurance to cover your compensation claims, whether it was the insurance of the car owner who caused the accident, a contractor whose negligence resulted in damage to your car, or a shopping mall where your car was hit, or a doctor who caused you serious consequences.
Therefore, all the above said parties may have insurance covered by an insurance company. Thus, such accidents lead to disputes with insurance companies, since almost all insurance companies try to avoid the liability since they are legally obliged to cover the compensation expenses first and then collect the insurance value from the insured party in case if it is proved that his/her mistake is not covered by the applicable insurance in such situation insurance disputes arises.
Based on extensive experience of our law firm litigation lawyers in representing clients in insurance disputes NA lawyers Firm, is fully capable of representing you in insurance disputes with the insurer party to claim your compensation. Moreover, our law firm assist our insured clients, as insurance companies are usually obliged to pay for the compensation claims that are covered by insurance and not to evade payment. However, the insurance company may have the right not to pay for such claims in cases which are not covered by the applicable insurance.
Insurance disputes become clear when they are concerned with the extent of liability of the insured party in causing damage when it comes to compensation claims. However, when you are facing an insurance company in such disputes, you may find that the insured party is not fully represented in the lawsuit, and he/she may not even attend court sessions, since insurance companies become highly keen on defending the insured party.
Why insurance companies do so? Because when the said party’s extent of liability is proved to be low or even if such party is fully relieved from liability, the insurance company’s obligations to pay for the compensation claims are relieved as well.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism
In case if you have a dispute with an insurance company, you do not always have to resort to litigation, since it is costly financially. First, you should always submit complaints regarding the dispute subject at the Federal Insurance Authority. The Federal Insurance Authority has an executive regulation of the insurance law that includes several fines to be imposed if the insurance company refrains from implementing the Federal Insurance Authority’s decision aimed at the amicable settlement of the dispute and you can always resort to the judiciary in case if you wish to do so.
Since NA lawyers Firm, is always keen on reducing costs for our clients and for us not to be involved in litigation cases that would compete with other litigation cases that we already represent our existing clients in, we seek to resolve disputes amicably, whenever this is possible by obtaining a decision against the insurance company through the Federal Insurance Authority to force the said company to settle the dispute amicably.
In such cases, the insurance company usually becomes willing to cooperate since it is threatened by fines that may be imposed on it by the Federal Insurance Authority. Such fines are usually multiplied when the insurance company fails to implement the decision by the specified deadline.
In cases where legal intervention is required by NA lawyers Firm, our law firm lawyers utilize their extensive experience in judicial disputes against insurance companies to ensure taking all the necessary measures in order for clients to recover their full rights.