


Dubai Financial Center Courts (DIFC) & the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)

What are DIFC & LCIA Court whether the procedures in these courts are different from the normal courts situated in UAE?

Usually, parties may resort to some local courts for litigation, but some may choose, in other contracts, to resort to arbitration in a special court or an institutional court other than the federal or local courts established by the state. Such special or institutional courts include, but are not limited to, the Dubai Financial Center Courts and the London Court of International Arbitration.

Parties may choose to resort to Dubai Financial Center Courts and the London Court of International Arbitration due to their commercial reputation, easy litigation procedures and practices applied by the said courts. Moreover, there are other courts as well, such those of Abu Dhabi’s International Financial Center and other special and institutional courts.

Hence, our team of lawyers at NA Lawyers Firmworks in an extremely professional way to represent the clients before Dubai Financial Center Courts and the London Court of International Arbitration by assigning the task to a licensed lawyer who is highly experienced and fully capable of pleading before both courts.

Based on its extensive and long experience in litigation lawyers at NA Lawyers Firmcooperates with the clients to prepare litigation claims before the institutional and special courts and to represent the client and plead before said courts to achieve client’s best interests.