Criminal Cases Litigation
Nov 15, 24DIFC & LCIA
Nov 15, 24Inheritance Matters Disputes

What does Inheritance mean?
Inheritance can be defined as a procedure of transferring property to descendants after the death of owner. Though this process is not same internationally and varies as per law of the land. The meaning of law of the land means the personal law regulating a particular subject. Hence, in Dubai (UAE) the subject of Inheritance is regulated by the provisions of Sharia Law.
Therefore, the complications or disputes arises in situations wherein non-native resident dies without making any will or when non infant child is left behind without any guardianship/ arrangement or in relation to rights of surviving spouse and many more other disputes.
What happens in cases where an Expatriate (Non-Muslim) wants to make Will as per the rules and regulation of his home country?
As Dubai (UAE) is known for its cosmopolitan approach and to accommodate the expatriate (non-Muslims) the law of the land provides for all the person of different religion to elect and apply their personal law of country in matters related to personal affairs. Thus, Article 17 of UAE Civil Code, clearly states that
“inheritance shall be governed by the law of the testator at the time of his death”.
Moreover, in addition to the same Article 1(2) Law of Personal Status allows expatriate (non-Muslims), bearing assets in UAE to make will as per their home country law. There is separate procedure before doing the same which requires the appropriate permission from the Local Courts and requires lawyer.
NA-Lawyerss Law Firm has an expert team of lawyers which are specialized in dealing with the matters related to inheritance disputes. Our law firm lawyers, and legal consultants has contested and defended many matters relating to inheritance disputes.
Moreover, in numerous of cases our law firm team has represented expatriate (non-Muslims) clients and provided them advice in matters related to claim their rights, drafting of will, obtaining permissions and many more. Thus, we have also advised and contested many matters related to the guardianship of the infant child and provided exceptional results.
In case if you need any suggestion or help in relation the matters related to Inheritance you can contact us freely, as we all know every human has an inherent right to avail and enjoy his property and other rights. Our law firm is fully committed towards our client to perform their duty and in delivering out the positive results.