
Why there is a need of Lawyer Attestation?
Lawyer Attestation in UAE is an integral procedure in legitimizing the validity of a particular document. Generally, the documents of foreigners travelling to UAE for the purpose of seeking employment, education, residence, and investment required to be attested by a certified lawyer of UAE. Documents which require Lawyer Attestation are mentioned below:
- It is required for criminal background check records.
- It is required for business and commercial documents.
- It is required for marriage and birth certificates.
- It is required education documents (Transcript, Diploma or certificate, Cover letter, Degrees and mark sheets, Identity Proof and Visa)
- It is required for sponsoring wife or husband based on spouse visa.
Why to choose our Lawyer Attestation?
NA-Lawyerss Law Firm has an extensive experience in the field of law and providing remarkable services to its clients since a long time. Therefore, our team of lawyers and legal consultants makes sure that no such lacuna or loopholes are left behind in Lawyer attestation procedure so that unnecessary delay can be avoided.